Sunday, March 19, 2006

"I DID WHAT?!!!"

The other night, I was trying to get a battery out of the drain in my tub. My bathroom clock fell from the wall into the tub and the battery went down the drain. Several attempts on my part to retrieve the battery failed. I knew I needed to get it out before taking a bath and before accidently pushing it down further. I didn't need another plumbing bill. I thought and reasoned with myself on how to go about getting it out without loosing it down the drain. Suddenly an idea came to mind. I had some "super glue" in the kitchen. I thought to myself "all I have to do is get something and glue it to the battery, and when it dries, I can pull the battery out. This worked perfectly; I took an emeory board the glued it to the battery and later, it came out. While I had the tube of super glue, I saw that the border around the bottom of the tub was pulling loose so I decided to glue that back. While conducting this little task, I didn't realize that I had gotten glue on a couple of my fingers, so when I was done and tried to pull those two fingers apart, it wasn't happening. YES, I HAD GLUED TWO OF MY FINGERS TOGETHER!! I sort of panicked because I thought of some of the T.V. Sitcoms where people had glued parts of their bodies to something and couldn't get loose. I have always thought these scenes were exaggerations, but to my surprise, it happened to me. After running water and soap on my fingers I was able to pry them loose but the glued stayed on for a couple of days.


Blogger Friar Tuck said...

Obviously you have not seen American Pie 2. There is an interesting gluing issue there.

I wont describe it on your proper blog, but lets just say he mistook super glue for vasoline

10:51 PM  
Blogger Rose said...

That was smart getting that battery out like that. Glad the fingers came apart.

11:47 PM  
Blogger Oricon Ailin said...

Very clever!! I'll remember that next time. hehhe

4:06 PM  
Blogger David Cho said...

Very well done. I have an engineering degree, and I wouldn't have thought of that.

8:21 PM  
Blogger Christopher M. Beatrice said...

Mz. G. Great Idea for the battery also I understand how you felt on the last entry too. I always want to look good when doing things for the Lord. But at the same time it is easy to become stuborn when it comes to our own heart. I know you are great person so don't be so hard on yourself. God loves you and has already forgiven you. Keep on doing what he called you to do Chris

4:19 AM  

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