Sunday, March 18, 2007


THE BABY HAS NOT COME YET!!! Perhaps the doctors calculated the wrong date or maybe they were given the wrong date. Grandma is still waiting patiently (or impatiently) as this will be number seven grandbaby, and I also have a great grandbaby. God has been good!

To all you Leprechauns and Irishmen/women out there -- hope you had a happy St. Patrick's Day! How many of you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? :-) I found the pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow in that as a Seventh-Day-Adventist Christian, I went to church and spent quality time with the Lord. We had a wonderful Communion service. When I heard the testimonies of my fellow Saints, it just gave me clarification that to have faith in the Lord and believe, he will pour out many blessings upon you.

Yesterday, my number two son and his wife came to visit and they had a video camera. They wanted me to talk into the camera to the baby and take a tour around the house and show the baby where daddy grew up at. I went from room to room, even the basement and told the baby about daddy's lack of doing chores. We got a good laugh about that one. Also we went outdoors and taped the surroundings in the neighborhood where daddy played, the bike trail, the neighborhood kids, and where they played baseball which was in the street right in front of our house. It was fun to do -- my number two son is a comedian also. What can I say -- a familly of comedians??? I love it. :-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mz Gig - Anxious???

“I’m sorry I’ve been such a pest, calling so much,” but I went to prayer meeting tonight and had to turn off my phone while we were praying and I was afraid you might call while the phone is off.”

“Don’t worry, if anything had happened we would have called you.”

“I love you mom, and when the baby comes, we will call you.”

“It just seems as though whenever I am expecting a call, I will be home all day and as soon as I step out, even for a few minutes, that’s when the call comes.”

“The baby hasn’t come yet and nothing has happened.”

“When you called me I was at school conferences and my wife was at work, so we couldn’t answer our phones, and if we can’t get in touch with you when the baby comes, I will send T after you.”

What is that all about???? Number two son and his wife are expecting their first baby who is due today and I want to be there when it happens. This will be my seventh grandchild, plus there is a great grandchild. You would think that after having four sons, six grandchildren and one great grandchild, this would be old to me.

Here’s the scoop – At first, my daughter-in-law said she didn’t want any children and number two son went along with it even though he wanted them. When his wife got pregnant, he was sooo excited. He has been very nervous and this has been humorous to me.

“I don’t know if I can change diapers; give the baby a bath, etc.”

So his wife arranged for him to take a class for fathers where they had real babies to learn from. I got a big kick out of that one.

In my mind, I could picture him being a father but it is quite amusing because he is a big athletic football player and coach, and believe me whenever he does anything domestic, it looks awkward, therefore, I cannot wait to see him as a dad, plus the wife did not want to know before hand what gender the baby is so I am anxious to know about that too.

While at prayer meeting this evening, I was supposed to sing special music. It was special alright but not exactly what I intended it to be. I have acid reflux and my throat was messed up, therefore, so was the song. What an ordeal.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Who's In Control??

Last evening I had the privilege of joining some of my Christian brothers and sisters at a young people’s worship service. This is something that we do the second Sabbath evening of each month. The adults and children get together to enjoy praising the Lord in song, prayer, topics of discussion, and food.

After the song service, we have a circle of prayer in which everybody young and old offers a prayer. The topic of our discussion last evening was on “control;” whether or not we or God is in control of our lives. This subject is very thought provoking and several people offered their opinions. After much discussion, we pretty much agreed that God is in control.

In my opinion, God gives us a choice. He does not force us into anything. However, he has given us a book of instructions that he intends for us to follow. It is up to us whether or not we decide to follow his word or not. We determine the outcome of our lives by the way we chose to live. I believe that we make our choices by the way we are taught as young children. It’s kind of like when you set out to do a project, you may work hard to make it come out right. You may mold it and shape it, put everything you have into it. You do everything to perfect it by giving it all you have because this is something you love. You are not going to neglect it or half heartedly do it, and if you are determined for it to be a success, you will make it happen. That is the way your life should be from the time you are born until you leave this earth. Yes, God is in control of everything, but he gives us the privilege of choice; he directs our steps, his Spirit is here to lead and to guide us into all truth and righteousness, but it’s up to us whether or not we want to follow the Lord’s instruction. A co-worker once told me that the acronym for the word BIBLE is Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. God wants us to live by his word and if we do so, our lives will be what we want them to be. He says in his word that we should seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all of these things shall be added unto you, Matthew 6:33. God is in control but he wants us to allow him to control our lives.