"What did I do to Deserve?"...
My, my, my -- God is definitely good. I hope I can type this without tearing up. You know the past 24 hours has been kind of awkward for me. Something at work yesterday triggered off a mood I haven’t had for quite some time. I all of a sudden found myself in a bad mood, a very bad mood. After snipping at a co-worker, complaining somewhat and just downright feeling angry, I came to the conclusion that I was not to be recognized with. Went to pick my dad up from work and took him to the bank. Next thing you know it was something like this… “what is that person ahead of me doing going so slow?” “Why doesn’t he get out of the way?” Then my poor dad had to listen to my whining and complaining about everything under the sun not only last evening, but today also. I was in the sanctuary at my church and had just finished telling the children’s story and was trying to lead the kids in their weekly collection for Children’s Ministry when an older member of the church looked at me and started snapping at me about which way I should have the children go. This was not the day to do that and in the Sanctuary. Of course I was ticked off and turned my head and ignored her. (I may have rolled my eyes, I’m not sure). This has definitely been an off time for me. I must ask the LORD to forgive me for allowing myself to get peeved that way in his sanctuary. On the way home from church, my poor dad had to listen to my whining and complaining again. All in all after I finally got home and settled down a few minutes, I decided to get on the internet and check my messages. I had e-mailed my son earlier because I thought I left my high blood pressure medicine in Texas because it wasn’t to be found anywhere and asked him to look out for it. I sent up a prayer later that evening. Asking God to help me locate it. This morning when I was ready to go to church, I looked in the cupboard again, and there it was. I e-mailed my son the testimony telling him how good God is. He wrote me back thanking God for that and then asked if I had read a poem he put on one of his blogs. No I hadn’t had a moment but checked it out. What a heart warming poem and just the right medicine to wipe out the bad state I was in. Thank you Devas.
God always shows up right when we need him most. Thank God for that. I get in those moods sometimes and I really am not sure why but I hate feeling that way too. but sometimes it just seems to linger on. Well glad things are going better now.
It is often easy to experience a low after a high! I think after being with the grandson for a little while and all the joy of seeing family, you just hit a down spell to balance out the high you had earlier.
*SUPER HUGS* to you bloggie Mommie!
We all have those days. As much as everyone tried to tell me I'm so sweet *rolls eyes*, I have a very evil side. When I get stressed out, it's like..."STAY AWAY!"
Have no fear, the Lord knows that we aren't perfect and He knows that we have off days. Just pray and ask Him to guide you when you need Him.
It was proof positive that He was listening when your medicine showed up. Sometimes we just need to be calm and let Him guide us.
More *SUPER HUGS* for you! I'm praying for you Mz. Gig!
Guess it's just one of the thing you'll encounter when going down the road of many trials.
It will pass. It always does.
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