Friday, October 14, 2005

Devotion Concerning Halloween

I receive a daily devotion from Live Prayer and written by a man named Bill Keller. The other day his subject was Halloween and suggested an alternative for the kids. I just copied and pasted this to share with all of you. I think it's a great idea.

HALLOWEEN (Part 2 of 2)***OCTOBER 31ST IS THE THIRD ANNUAL "WITNESSING FOR JESUS DAY." IT IS A NEWHOLIDAY THAT WILL BE CELEBRATED EVERY YEAR UNTIL OUR LORD RETURNS!!!A Christian's response to Halloween. As I was in prayer three years agoabout Halloween and what God wanted me to share during that time, part of myfocus was on satan and how he operates. The Bible calls him an "angel oflight." He is a great imitator. He takes the perfection of God andperverts it. So as I was praying, God poured into my spirit that it is timefor Christians worldwide to rise up on the most important day of the yearfor satan, Halloween, and claim that day for God!The first step, is to make it a special day for Christians worldwide. IfHallmark cards and candy companies can make up holidays to sell greetingcards and chocolate, why can't the church? I am proud to announce thatuntil our Lord returns, October 31st will now be "Witnessing for Jesus Day."This holiday was started three years ago by the 2 million worldwide who arepart of Liveprayer, and we will continue to promote it as well as followthrough to make this a legitimate, recognized holiday every October 31st!The goal is for Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with atleast 3 people during the day. If every Christian worldwide shared theirfaith in Christ with 3 people, it would literally turn the world upside downover night. The world will be "witnessing" their rebellion of God withtheir Halloween parties, their costumes, and satanic services. THIS IS THEPERFECT DAY for Christians to witness to this lost world that we live in,that Jesus Christ is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life."What else can Christians do on our new holiday? PLENTY! Every communityneeds churches to put on "Hell House" or "Judgment House" productions tocounter the haunted houses the world promotes. Make sure your home is welllit and inviting for children out trick-or-treating. In addition to candy,give them a gospel tract or a little Gospel of John booklet. Also, praywith each group of kids before they leave. Your church should have theresources to get tracts and the Gospel of John booklets at a very low cost.NO CHILD SHOULD COME TO YOUR HOME AND LEAVE WITHOUT KNOWING THAT JESUS ISLORD!For those with children, take them out trick-or-treating! Have them dressup as Bible characters. Let them go door to door for candy, BUT, in returnfor the candy, they should give the homeowner a tract or a Gospel of Johnbooklet. GOD CAN USE THESE CHILDREN TO HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST TOPEOPLE THAT WILL NEVER GO TO CHURCH!!!Churches, instead of holding an alternative to Halloween party at thechurch, should get the children involved in evangelizing theirneighborhoods! They have the perfect excuse to go door to door on thisnight. God can use these children to share the hope and love of Christ withpeople that will never hear the message any other way. DON'T UNDERESTIMATEHOW GOD CAN USE THE CHILDREN ON THIS NIGHT!!!So, let's review. We now have a new Christian holiday. It is, "Witnessingfor Jesus Day," and will be celebrated every year on October 31st. It willbe a day for Christians worldwide to witness to others what Jesus Christ hasdone in their life. We will have churches in every community putting on"Hell House" or "Judgment House" productions as an alternative to thehaunted house productions of the world. Christians will make their homesinviting for children out trick-or-treating, and in addition to candy, givethem a Gospel Tract or Gospel of John booklet. Children of ALL AGES willbecome mighty witnessing agents for the Lord. They will dress up as Biblecharacters and go out into their neighborhoods to get candy, BUT, will givethe homeowner a Gospel tract or Gospel of John booklet.I love you and care about you so much. There is no reason a Christianshould have to fear Halloween, nor is there any reason a Christian shouldhave to participate in the way the world celebrates Halloween. It actuallyis a perfect opportunity to go on the offensive and make this a day tocelebrate witnessing our faith to this lost and dying world. What betterday than the day the world celebrates rebelling against God, HALLOWEEN!!!I will be praying for you. I pray that you become bold and part of thethird annual "Witnessing for Jesus Day." For the Christian, sharing ourfaith is not an option, but is a commandment from God. It is something thatwe should be doing EVERY day. But there is no better day of the year forBelievers worldwide to share their faith in Jesus Christ with this lostworld. THAT my friend, needs to be a Christia's response to Halloween!!!In His love and service,Your friend and brother in Christ,Bill Keller***I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal***ARE YOU 100% CERTAIN WHERE YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY? The fact is you willdie one day. At that moment, you will either spend eternity with the Lordor be cast into everlasting darkness forever separated from God yourcreator. To know for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go to:***GET YOUR FREE LPeMAIL ACCOUNT! Never miss receiving your DailyDevotional again. LPeMail is an effective email SPAM filtering applicationthat most ISP's charge $10/mo, for FREE! Get your LPeMail account now .***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer Daily Devotional is nowavailable via AUDIO each day. Simply go to, you can now listen to the Daily Devotional by phone by calling727-856-7055, or access it on your wireless device by going to: Copyright 2005, Bill Keller Ministries. All rights reserved


Blogger Brotha Buck said...

You know, I recently had a conversation with my boss. Both our kids attend religious private schools. At K's school, they absolutely do not observe Halloween at all. So don't bring cookies decorated with bats and witches. At my bosses kids school, a catholic school, they do observe Halloween, but the kids have a list of costumes they can choose from to wear to school that day. Nuns(sp) monks, and such. Isn't that scary? They can observe a holiday based on the occult as long as they are dressed like nuns.I don't know if I want K around any nuns now.

BTW, I need to update your blog roll, let me know who you'd like for me to add.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't celebrate Halloween in Australia, though in recent years it seems to have become a bit popular.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Oricon Ailin said...

I enjoy dressing up on Halloween. I know, strange for a devout Christian to say. BUT...let me explain. I know the difference between good and evil, and while I may dress up for fun, I certainly don't worship anything evil in the world. I know the difference.

There is a lot of untruth to the whole thing of Halloween. Many people blame it on the Celts. I will tell you this, the celebration of Samhain (sow-en) in the old Celtic traditions had NOTHING to do with what we as Americans see as Halloween today.

I don't like to trick or treat, or pass out candy. Usually for church we do an All Saints celebration, allowing kids to dress up as their favorite Bible character.

I generally dress up as something fun. This year, I will wear my LOTR elven costume. hehehe

Eeeks...sorry, this is a bit long winded.

Be sure to check out my blog on Halloween. I will have an article about Halloween and the history of it on my blog. *smiles* I promise, it will not be a praising of the devil or worshipping of the evil one. hehehe

Blessings be upon you Mz. Gig. I hope your church does well with this project. The world needs a lot more positive influence in it!

10:02 PM  
Blogger Christopher M. Beatrice said...

great idea, our pastor always has a fall party for the kids that night with goodies and music at the church. and normally a lock in.

8:01 AM  

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