When I was in Elementary School (it was called "grade School" then) the grades on our report cards were: S = Satisfactory, I = Needs to improve and U=Unsatisfactory, with the "S" being the highest grade. Each time I received a report card it stated something like "doesn't use time wisely." I often wondered what they meant by that, after all I did well at school so how could they possibly say that I wasn't using my time wisely.
Now that I am MUCH older, I can see what they meant. I will start something and before I finish one thing, I've switched to something else. Whenever I plan to get a lot done around the house, I end up doing everything but. Take tonight for instance, I am supposed to be doing some extensive cleaning and throwing out things I don't need because I put my house on the market to sell. I want the house to look very nice when people come to see it. HOWEVER, what am I doing???? Blogging of course. I got some things done between watching television among other things. I suppose I'd better get back to what I'm supposed to be doing and try to stick to it, after all, it's almost my bed time.