Monday, May 09, 2005

"The Box"

Last Friday after work, I ran a few errands and went home. Upon arriving -- I discovered a nice sized box on my doorstep. I was excited. Knowing who sent it, I went into the house, put my purchases away and started toward the box. "I thought to myself "self" today is not mother's day yet and I walked away thinking "I will wait until Sunday." I started to the kitchen and stopped, peering at the box as it sat in the living room. "No, I will not open it'" I thought. "Well, maybe I'll shake it to see if I can guess what's inside". "Don't go near that box!' exclaimed my inner thoughts. I backed away and again and started toward another room. "Oh it won't hurt to take a peek," But... oh no, it seemed as though there was a little man standing on my shoulder reminding me that Mother's day is two days away. I walked past the box and glanced at it making an effort not to let my curiosity get the best of me. I left the room again and to my surprise the box began to call to me, "come back," come back," I stopped, turned around and walked past the box again. "No, I'm not going to do it." I will wait until Sunday.... but but "I don't think my son and his wife would really mind if I opened it today", I reasoned to myself. Should I or should I not open this box. The box said "yes -- go ahead." The little man on my shoulder stated "not yet, wait until Mother's day, besides on Sunday rolls around, you will not have the pleasure of opening your gift I turned again, and then all of a sudden I quickly ran over to the box and grabbed it as fast as I could so as to not talk myself out of it. I hurriedly opened the box and peered inside -- "nothing" I exclaimed! What's up with that?... "is this a joke or what?" "Why did they waist stamps on an empty box?" My son is quite a jokester and he would get a kick out of playing this trick on me and watching my reaction -- right Devas T?

Ha, ha, I fooled you didn't I? Actually, there were several very nice gifts inside the box. One of the gifts brought tears to my eyes, tears of joy. It was a little book called "Crazy About my Mom." On each page the author writes "I'm Crazy about my mom because..." Mr. "Smarty pants" wrote some funny comments under the saying on each page; he also wrote some very cool things too. He's "Off the chain." For the record, I got spoiled by his other brothers too. It's really nice being loved so much by four successful young me.

Okay, okay, I exzaggerated the story above a little to make it more fun to read. Actually, I did think at one point to wait until Sunday, but actually after telling myself that my son and his wife wouldn't mind if I opened it early, I quickly opened it about 10 minutes after I got it. Thanks to my sons and their lovely wives for helping me to have a blessed Mother's Day.


Blogger Don Tate II said...

Glad you had a great day! I knew you couldn't wait

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had stuff like that happen. It's always good.

7:45 PM  

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