Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Student Asks: What Advice Would you Give to Me About My Life?

Wow, I had to think about that one. A student had an assignment to intervew someone at the job. She chose me. Wow! I was so excited and had no problem answering her questions until I got to this one. This is what I said:

One of the most important things in a person’s life is their spirituality. This gives you a sense of love and caring, not only for yourself, but for others, thus, preparing you for a bright future with healthy realistic goals and morals.

My advice to you is to follow your dreams and do all you can to achieve your goals in life. Respect yourself and those around you, especially those in authority. Pay attention to anyone who is a positive role model, figure and/or mentor to you. Those people will show genuine interest in your well being. They appear in your life for a purpose and that is to lead and guide you in the right direction. Many times we think they are wrong, that we know better than they do, they are mean and cruel and are against us; however, sometimes we make bad choices and have to pay the consequences for those choices, as receiving the better things in life for good choices. You get out of life what you put into it.

Get a good education, avoid people, places, activities, things and peer pressure as they become roadblocks. Most people don’t realize until it’s too late that bad choices can influence their entire lives.


Blogger Christopher M. Beatrice said...

wow that is really inspiring good advice. And you are right without those positive people to encourage us where would we be. Sounds like you have a pretty cool blog also. I am will check it out more often too. Thanks Chris

12:47 PM  
Blogger Don Tate II said...

Well you give good advice. She chose you because of the good spirit that shines through you. She wants some of that too. Now, quit commenting about me on other peoples blogs.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was some great advice, Ms. Gig!

Can I come to you if I need advice? ;-)

7:53 PM  

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