Monday, July 25, 2005

Senior Moments

Actually pretty much all adults have senior moments no matter what age they are. I love to share the little “I’m not paying attention to what I’m doing” moments with others and vice versa. It’s good therapy because these conversations result in much laughter. I’m one of those you might call “bag lady” type people who pretty much always has a lot to carry to work or elsewhere. I was running a little late this morning and was trying to get everything together. While rushing to the car, and pulling the car keys out of my purse, a realization came to me when I noticed the cordless phone in my hand. DUH!!

Because I frequently misplace my purse, it seems as though I am always in a panick looking for it. There are times when I am running around the house wondering what I did with it, only to discover it is on my shoulder – DUH! Among other things, while in a hurry to brush my teeth, so many times, I find myself picking up my hemorrhoid medicine instead of the toothpaste. Whoa! Wouldn’t that be something, to brush your teeth with your hemorrhoid medicine – DUH!

I had a co-worker who came to work one day dressed in a suit and tie. He shared with me that earlier, he had gone to the car wash, was conducting business on his cell phone and all of a sudden he begin to feel wetness, and before you know it, he was covered in suds as he had forgotten to roll up some of his car windows. One day while at work, he was exiting his office, looked directly at the keys on his desk, and proceeded to lock them in the office and had to take the door handle off to get his keys.

I could go on with the senior moment experiences, as I could probably write a book, especially about Devas. My daughter in law often has me cracking up while telling me of his very frequent senior moments. They are hilarious, especially coming from her because she is comedy. However, this one’s on her – one day when I was visiting Texas, Devas left his cell phone at home and the wife decided to call and let him know – not paying attention, she dialed the number and the phone began ringing right beside her – DUH! DAT’S ALL FOR NOW FOLKS.


Blogger Don Tate II said...

HEMOROID MEDICATION! Please, I don't even want to think about your publically discussing booty oriface medication.

10:11 AM  
Blogger The Gig said...

Don -- this is something that happens to almost everyone. I'm sure you had probably had hemoroids at some time. If I managed to embarass you -- then it was worth it. ha ha

12:04 PM  
Blogger Meka said...

Let me tell you... you don't have to be a "senior" to have senior moments. Friday I was in the kitchen heating up food. When the microwave went off and I openend the door, I realized I had never put the food in the microwave. Good post!

1:30 PM  
Blogger Christopher M. Beatrice said...

humm gotta get in on this one. I was running around frantic one day looking for my keys and searching searching was running later then normal. I finally said ughhh where are my keys. And my now laughing mother calmly says the set you started the car with 10 minutes ago. Yes I did that.

Note to self don't ever put roid cream by toothpaste... Rolls on floor laughing.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been experiencing those moments too. I can never remember where I've put items belonging to me, and they're usually right in front of me.

10:37 PM  
Blogger The Gig said...

Thanks for your comments -- it gets me a better outlook on my senior citizenism. ha, ha

7:26 AM  
Blogger Oricon Ailin said...

Mz. Gig, that was TOO FUNNY!!!

*giggles* hemorrhoid cream...*giggles uncontrollably* (I'm not laughing at you Mz. Gig, in fact, I'm laughing with you. ehhehe) *HUGS*

You know, if all those things are "senior moments", then goodness...I must be ancient!! I do all that stuff all the time!

I have been known to leave things IN the refrigerator. Can't find the phone, it's probably in the door of the fridge. Can't find my's in the fridge. It must be my personal storage space. hehehe

I can be told to do something, I walk away to do it and forget before I get there.

Oh man...I'm not looking forward to my birthday in a few weeks then...I'll be even older! AHHH!! 30!!!! (is it really all down hill from there, like everyone has told me???)

2:44 PM  

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